Sunday, July 8, 2012

Between the Two

There are only 8 days until I leave for Thessaloniki.  It is absolutely thrilling knowing that I have no idea what God has in store for my future!  I know I must continue to walk towards each step He has lit up on my path.  That's not to say that there aren't moments of fear, worry, and anxiety.  However, I do know those feelings aren't of God and I can rest assure that any plan I could come up with would never even come close to His plan. 

It has been difficult putting into words how I am feeling at the moment.  A dear friend helped paint a picture through words that got it right.  Think of a trapeze artist.  She swings from bar to bar in the air high above the ground.  Holding on with both hands to one bar; there comes a time when she must let go in order to grab the other bar.  This letting go must happen to complete her act and reach the other destination.  There is a moment between both points where she is suspended....she has let go of one side and hasn't quite made it to the other.  This is where I am.  I know I must begin letting go of where I currently am in order to be ready to receive what God has instore for the future.  I feel like I am between two worlds.  It is akward and exciting; there are highs and lows.  I wouldn't trade it for the world!! 

I've learned that the more I try to fight it and gain control over the situation, the more difficult it becomes.  I need to let go and let God do what only He does best.  My job is to obediently listen and follow Him.  He will take care of everything else...He always has.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

One step of obedience at a time...

The amazing journey God has me on is something hard not to share.  There have been so many drastic changes in my life over the past year.  God is definitely refining me and showing me who I am in Him….I’m not who I thought I was.
I was teaching at Pine Forest School of the Arts. It was August and the new school year was just beginning.  It was the start of the 2010-11 school year and I was teaching 3rd and 4th grade Reading and Writing in an inclusion classroom.  I was doing what I loved and what I was so passionate about.  However, this school year didn’t start with all the excitement it usually brings.  Normally I have the feeling of Christmas Eve the day before the first day of school.  Much anticipation, joy, curiosity and energy.  This year I felt a shift.  I felt as though God was moving me into a new season.  At first, I rebelled, and told God He was crazy!  “How could my days of teaching be over?  I spent 6 years in school, got a master’s degree, and have already taught for 6 years!”  I really thought I was going to die teaching…that may sound crazy to some.  But I was perfectly content and satisfied with what I was doing, that I thought I could and would do it for the rest of my life.  God had other plans…
I continued with the school year, putting my best foot forward and praying for the strength to see the year out, even though by this time I had begun to realize that this was my last year teaching.  I can’t even begin to tell you the mix of emotions I felt.  I had somewhat of an answer to the feelings I had been experiencing…but was it the answer I was ready for?  “Could I really be obedient to what He was asking?” I definitely wasn’t ready yet.  There was a lot God needed to work in me and out of me to prepare me for what was to come. 
That same school year in October, I began to have strong feelings for the people of Greece.  I felt as though I was supposed to be there.  Again, at this time I told God He was crazy!  There’s no way He could be calling me to Greece.  I am just a normal person, in love with Jesus, teaching children.  “How could I do something like that?”  I met with several leaders and pastors at Celebration Church to gain wisdom and guidance.  They reassured me that I was not crazy…that God does call us to do things we often consider WAY out of our comfort zone.  The question now was “How am I going to respond?”
I chose to believe in what was beginning to sprout in my soul and take action.  I signed up for a short term mission trip to Greece, scheduled to go in late April 2011.  My first post below gives more specifics of the trip itself, but the original thinking was that I wanted to go to Greece in person to see what I would feel.  I was looking for some sort of confirmation…and I found it.  I fell in love with the country, the people, & the needs.  I still wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do in Greece, but I did know that I was to return. 
The next couple of months were very difficult.  I felt I was in a holding pattern.  Our church plant wasn’t progressing in Greece, I hadn’t seen any progress moving me there, and didn’t see the next step.  It was a very confusing time in my life.  I am a planner and didn’t want to just quit my job and not know when I was going to Greece or what my next immediate step would be.  All I could see was what I thought was the final outcome of my journey.  I was not interested and to be honest, never thought about the learning and refining process that takes place when you move from season to season.  Boy was I in for it!! 
The school year had now ended and I still hadn’t made a definite decision about my job as a teacher.  I decided to do what I do when I need some Godly advice…fast and prayer.  (It only took me 3 months to realize that I couldn’t come up with a decision on my own!  LOL  I needed God…thank you for reminding me!) I fasted and prayed for 4 days.  On the fourth day I remember tuning out the questions in my mind and just focused on worshiping God.  Then my eyes were opened.  I had had the answer all along… I was just looking for a different one.  God revealed to me that I wasn’t being obedient and resigning from my job because I was trying to please my mother.  She is a teacher as well and put me through school.  I was, in a sense, following in her footsteps.  Basically, I was putting pleasing my mother over pleasing God.  WOW!!  When I realized that, I broke down and asked for forgiveness.  That night I finished writing my letter of resignation and mailed it the very next day! 
There I was…no job, no money saved, no idea what I was going to do….I just knew that I had to be obedient.  I had already starting come in to church to volunteer over the summer and so I increased my hours to full time.  My new title was “Full Time Volunteer!”  It was scary and confusing and I didn’t even want to tell anyone at Celebration.  I didn’t want people to think I had quit my job because I wanted a job there.  I didn’t know what God had planned.  All I knew is that He kept saying “This is a learning season.  Learn as much as you can.  Stay planted at Celebration Church.”  So many times I wanted to get a part time job to cover my bills, but I had to push those thoughts out because I knew deep down it wasn’t part of His plan at this time.  I had to have complete and total faith in Him.  That He would see me through this and take care of my every need.  I volunteered for 7 months!  With no source of income, nothing saved to pay bills, or even put gas in my truck.  God provided every step of the way.  I don’t know how, but every bill was paid, I never went without food or gas in my truck.  I was completely dependent on Him and it was the most intimate time I have ever had with my Father.  I had friends that encouraged me, but no one really understood what I was going through.  It was really just me and God.  And as terrifying as it was at times, I would NEVER change a thing about it. 
Slowly everything I thought that made me who I am was stripped away.  I couldn’t be attached to food, doing things, buying little items, or supporting myself.  I couldn’t do anything on my own anymore.  There were many walks on the beach talking to God, asking Him for guidance, worshiping Him, and crying out in fear.  But I had to go through that to find out who I was.  I am a daughter of The Most High.  He loves me and cherishes me as His own.  I was made in the image of His son.  Nothing in this world is more precious to me than Him.  I soon saw all the distractions I had let enter my world and had to let go of them.  Nothing is going to stand in the way of me following my savior.  Being obedient is far more important that my comfort. 
God has continued to open doors…one at a time, but they are still opening. I have recently been accepted as an intern with A21 in their shelter in Thessaloniki, Greece!!  I am going back!!
I leave this July and will be there for 3 months.  It blows my mind to think that through my obedience God has chosen me to do this.  The shelter is for the rescued women of human trafficking.  I will assist in planning daily activities, assist with orientation of new residents, encouraging the women, and helping with the transition back into society.  I am so honored and humbled to have been given this opportunity.  I am in the process now of obtaining an account with Go to Nations to begin taking donations.  At this time, the estimated amount is $7000 to raise by July, 2012.  I have absolute faith that God will “show up and show out!”  Just like He has the whole time.  Nothing is impossible with God. This journey keeps getting better and better! Please pray for me and with me as I begin this next step. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Igniting a fire...

My name is Sissy and I am a passionate follower of Christ.  I haven't always been this way, but God has transformed me.  Back in November of 2010 God told me to become a long term missionary in Greece.  To be honest, it was a lot to take in.  I wasn't quite sure God was talking to the right way...not me.  But I finally realized that He was in fact calling me to move to Greece. I still have to raise the funds to move, but God will provide. 
I have recently returned from a short term trip to Greece.  The trip was 9 days and I went with a team from Celebration Church.  I knew God had called me to Greece, but I didn't realize the desire to be there and the passion He would stir in me.  It was an absolutely amazing trip.  
We were able to partner with Hellenic Ministries on several events.  The first event we attended was their Worship Night.  Talk about people on fire for Christ!  It was an evening dedicated to worship, word, and prayer.  The message and worship was in both English and Greek.  I was on such a Holy Spirit high after that night, that it was difficult to get to sleep.  We were also able to serve with Hellenic Ministries during their "Love Meals."  This was a day where there doors were open to the many refugees living in the city.  The refugees were mostly Muslim and were welcomed with open arms and hearts.  Each person was given a meal of soup, bread, olives, and water.  Before they ate someone from Hellenic Ministries presented a message of Christ's love for them...telling them how important they are.  What an amazing sight of love. There are so many different things this ministry does to help the people of Athens, Greece.  I can't wait to help with other events.
Another organization we were able to work with was Helping Hands.  These beautiful people are there to serve refugees in the city.  They provide meals, tea, clothing and showers...just to name a few.  I was able to help with the school age children.  Many of which live in a local park.  They taught me a few words in their language of Farsi and I was able to show them the love of Christ. 
In a section of Athens there are many, many brothels and street prostitution.  We were able to do a prayer walk with some of the ladies with Nea Zoi.  This organization was established to help the women who want to get out of the life they are living.  Many of the women who are in these brothels and street prostitution are trafficked women.  Many have been emotionally beaten down and their self worth is non existent. Nea Zoi is there to help provide that hope and love that they need.
I am now starting to see why God has called me to Greece.  There is such a need and so many hurting people.  He hasn't given me all the details, but He has told me to go and I must follow in obedience.  I am so excited to see what God has in store.  I pray that He continues to use me.